Understanding the causes of ADHD helps in deciding what should be done. It has been suggested that ADHD is caused by the inability brain cells to talk to one another – in turn this is linked to an imbalance of neurotransmitters. There is a neurological dysfunction. Doctors use medication to make these neurotransmitters more available in the synapse.
Healthy Eating Lifestyle
It has been suggested that the body cannot manufacture certain neurotransmitters (or enough of them) in the absence of Essential Fatty Acids. Supplementation of both omega 6 and omega 3 can cause considerable improvement in behaviour, concentration and physical ability. Results are better if we add the vitamins and minerals which help the body effectively metabolise these fatty acids; of course we need to eliminate the non-nutritive foodstuffs than prevent our systems from metabolizing the essential fatty acids.
Fluctuating blood glucose levels can go a long way to undermine a persons functioning – and even more so for the child with ADHD. Stabilising blood glucose levels also reduces sweet and junk food cravings.
Following the above principles is vital when moving towards a healthier eating lifestyle. In addition, the amount of supplements required might be reduced if fruit, vegetables, seeds, protein and other nutrient providing foods are part of the regular diet.
Ensuring that the child has the required friendly intestinal flora goes a long way to prevent tummy aches and pains, and alleviate constipation and diarrhoea.
Glyconutrients have been shown to provide further benefits for many children.
Fluctuating blood glucose levels can go a long way to undermine a persons functioning – and even more so for the child with ADHD. Stabilising blood glucose levels also reduces sweet and junk food cravings.
Following the above principles is vital when moving towards a healthier eating lifestyle. In addition, the amount of supplements required might be reduced if fruit, vegetables, seeds, protein and other nutrient providing foods are part of the regular diet.
Ensuring that the child has the required friendly intestinal flora goes a long way to prevent tummy aches and pains, and alleviate constipation and diarrhoea.
Glyconutrients have been shown to provide further benefits for many children.
Activity Levels
Play is a very important learning opportunity and should be encouraged. Many children don’t even know how to play – especially if they have poor social interaction skills. They are always being excluded by other children which just makes everything worse.
It is most valuable for parents to take time to play with their children. This could be fairly passive play like board games (which can teach social skills, organisation, counting) or active play with rough and tumble. When children are being active, the tendrils on the dendrites of their brain are growing – making it easier for brain cells to talk to one another. Neural function can be improved which in turn reduces neural dysfunction. Make sure that children have time for play.
Stress Levels
Many people don’t believe it’s possible for a child to be stressed. Unfortunately they couldn’t be more wrong! When a child is stressed, the dendrites shrivel up and increase the space between the cells, which makes it more difficult for messages to cross the synapse. Concentration and functioning in general becomes far more difficult.
Attitude of Parents
This is possibly one of the most important things that a family can do - these children need to know that someone is on their side. As they learn more about the condition and understand the challenges the child faces on a daily basis they are far more able to accept and support their child.
Heather Picton
It is most valuable for parents to take time to play with their children. This could be fairly passive play like board games (which can teach social skills, organisation, counting) or active play with rough and tumble. When children are being active, the tendrils on the dendrites of their brain are growing – making it easier for brain cells to talk to one another. Neural function can be improved which in turn reduces neural dysfunction. Make sure that children have time for play.
Stress Levels
Many people don’t believe it’s possible for a child to be stressed. Unfortunately they couldn’t be more wrong! When a child is stressed, the dendrites shrivel up and increase the space between the cells, which makes it more difficult for messages to cross the synapse. Concentration and functioning in general becomes far more difficult.
Attitude of Parents
This is possibly one of the most important things that a family can do - these children need to know that someone is on their side. As they learn more about the condition and understand the challenges the child faces on a daily basis they are far more able to accept and support their child.
Heather Picton
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